
July 18, 2013

New Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 ( 7.0 ) White WiFi SME Set untuk dijual RM650.00

Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 ( 7.0 ) untuk dijual berharga RM650.00 termasuk harga pos. ( harga di kedai antara RM790 hingga RM850.00 ) Tab ini adalah tab original, bukan klon atau tiruan. Tab ini juga adalah tab yang baru, bukan secondhand atau recon. Ia adalah set daripada SME ( Samsung Malaysia Electronic )

Tab ini hanya boleh menerima wifi sahaja dan tidak boleh dimasukkan SIM kad. Sebab itu ia dijual murah. Jika berminat boleh emel ke atau pm facebook. Anda akan menerima barang selepas 3 hari membuat bayaran, InsyaAllah.
Item Description :GALAXY Tab 2 (7.0) unites communication, multimedia and web functionality in one easy, endlessly entertaining personal tablet. Powered by latest Android OS, Ice Cream Sandwich. GALAXY Tab 2 introduces new technologies and evolved UI through unique features like Face Unlock and the latest TouchWiz . It maintains light-weight and slimness for high portability. It is connected to various network providers for best performance in application use, wireless web access, faster data transmissions and seamless multimedia consumption.
Specification :Platform:
Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich)
Android Browser

Physical Specification:
193.7 x 122.4 x 10.5mm Dimensions
344g Weight


PLS TFT LCD Display Technology
1024 x 600 (WSVGA) Display Resolution
7.0" Display Size

Internal: 16GB
*Note: Usable internal storage may differ from listing due to pre-installed operating system and applications from manufacturer.
3MP Rear Camera / VGA Front Camera
*Supports Wifi Only, Cellular Services NOT supported

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