Dubai Police authorities have finally unveiled its Ferrari, which was mentioned on its official Twitter account that the zippy car would be added to its fleet earlier this week, with the confirmation coming from the Lt General Dhahi Khalfan Al Tamim, Commander-in-Chief of the Dubai Police, himself.
The earlier tweet simply read: “Lt General Dhahi Khalfan: Soon Ferrari will join Dubai Police fleet.”
From the images released, it appears to be the super exclusive FF, sporting a powerful V12 engine.
The FF, which retails for approximately Dh900,000, goes from 0 to 100km in a mere 3.7 seconds.
Here’s one patrol car you just may find difficult to outrun.
Last week, Dubai Police unveiled its latest addition to the fleet of patrol cars, with images of the Lamborghini Aventador going viral online.
This was added to the Chevrolet Camaro, which was confirmed last month by the authority, with images of its two-door prototype also being released online.
In a statement, Dubai Police has confirmed it will soon introduce sports cars into its fleet to enhance its patrolling abilities.
Lieutenant-General Dhahi Khalfan, in the presence of Major-General Abdul Rahman Mohammad Rafi, Director-General, Department of Community Service, and Brigadier Pilot Anas Al Matrooshi, Deputy Director of the General Department of Operations for Transport and Rescue, are reviewing the new cars.
The sports cars have been designed according to Dubai Police specifications and 'will help to facilitate policing on highways', according to the authorities.
News of the Ferrari had many on Twitter cheering the new addition to the Dubai Police family, with tweets such as this one from Stranger Buddy saying: “Wow, I assume it will be a world record to have Ferrari for police patrolling. Keep it up. Dubai deserves the best.”
Don Joe Martin wrote: “Dubai Police is going to increase the standard of policing the world over. I love Dubai.”
Kaveen Amarasinghe posed the question that’s currently on everyone’s mind, asking: “Dubai Police, just curious to know if these cars will be used for patrolling purpose or anything else?”
Only time will tell. But needless to say, the emirate’s patrolling fleet looks poised to set a world record for being number one in style
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